Independence Day Works and Other Tweaks

Boy it’s been crazy here at the ToffeeTV Factory. Tales and I have been pushing out nursery rhymes, stories, songs and fun activities and the feedback has been great! So thank you for that!

We just wanted to take a moment to tell you about the buildup to Pakistan’s Independence Day, August 14th celebrations that we are gearing up for. Tales put her thinking cap on and came up with a HowTo drawing series for some of the Pakistani National icons and symbols for kids. Simple to draw so that, well, kids can How to Draw the Quaid-e-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah, How to Draw the National Flag of Pakistan and How to Draw the Mazar-e-Quaid. If your students or kids manage to make any drawings, please do email them to us at: info @ – We’ll be putting up a few more also so stay tuned to the Activities section of the website.

We’ve also cleared up the way the thumbnails and images appear on the homepage. The feedback we’ve been getting from people is mostly positive, but if there is something else you think should be changed, please let us know.

There are also additional lists of programs on the right-hand side of the homepage and inside pages, which should help you navigate through the site a bit better. Once again, the more feedback we get from you, the better we’ll be able to get this aligned for you.

Hope you’re enjoying the site. Remember that it’s always a good idea to sit with your children when going through site. And if they manage to teach you something, write to us through the contact form and let us know how you felt!

There are some great announcements that we’ll be making towards the end of the month Inshallah, but in the meanwhile, keep unwrapping the fun!

Tales (Talea Zafar) and Wrapper (Rabia Garib)